Monday, November 16, 2015

Skelton Family

I had the opportunity to take the Skelton's yearly family pictures again this year. We headed up to Red Top mountain and we were able to take advantage of the last of the fall leaves. These are some amazing people and I am so glad to know them. I love all the rustic colors and the cool barn pictures. hope you enjoy them too.

Baby R - 6 Month Old Photoshoot

So happy to be able to share these with you. Baby R has been a camera favorite of mine since day one on her newborn shoot. She makes my job easy and so much fun. Look at all the cool new things she is learning to do... push ups, grabbing her cute adorable toes, smiling! I finally got a great look and her adorable baby blues. 6 months is my favorite age to shoot. The shoots are fun and simple but they definitely are the most rewarding. Pop them on a blanket, then turn them on their backs and be camera ready, because they start grabbing their for their toes. It is so much fun being able to pop in every few months and see how much this cute little has grown. I can't wait to see what 6 month will bring.